Terms and Conditions


RewardPay (NZ) Limited (RP)

NZBN 9429050053483

1. Our Service

  1. RP agrees to provide a Payment Service which enables You to pay Your Nominated Payee in accordance with these Terms and Conditions (this Agreement). RP’s Payment Service will be provided to You only via its Payment Facility, which is located at the Site.

IMPORTANT: You acknowledge that, as a payment service provider, we are an intermediary only and our responsibility is limited to making Payments you request, on Your behalf, to Your Nominated Payees in accordance with Your payment instructions. We do not get involved in, are not responsible for, and have no liability in respect of, Your dealings with Your Nominated Payees or for the goods or services for which payment has been made by Us in accordance with Your payment instructions. If goods or services You have requested from Your Nominated Payee are unavailable, not delivered or are defective, You are responsible for resolving these issues with Your Nominated Payees directly.  We do not accept any responsibility or liability in these circumstances and You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any loss, cost or expense we may incur in such circumstances, as detailed further in clause 9 of this Agreement.

2. Your eligibility

  1. This Agreement will commence on the date that You first create a User Account and shall remain in force until the earlier of:
    1. Your provision of written notice of termination to RP.
    2. RP’s provision of written notice of termination to You.
    3. The date on which Your User Account is cancelled in accordance with Clause 12 or Clause 17 of this Agreement.
    4. The date immediately following a period of not less than 24 months of inactivity of Your User Account.

3. Application of this Agreement

  1. This Agreement applies to any person who holds a User Account, which may be:
    1. individuals who are transacting privately, sole proprietors of a business, trustees of a trust, or partners of a partnership;
    2. registered companies;
    3. registered associations;
    4. registered cooperatives; or
    5. statutory bodies.
  2. You should not indicate Your acceptance of this Agreement until You have read it fully and are satisfied that You understand it and agree with what it says.

4. Accessing RP’s Payment Facility.

  1. You can access RP’s Payment Facility and related services online at the Site. You will be required to first accept this Agreement. Once You have done so You will be able to obtain a User Account and User Access Code.
  2. Your User Account and User Access Code must be set up prior to utilising RP’s Payment Service. RP will verify Your identify at that time in accordance with RP’s legal obligations and this Agreement and You agree to provide all information reasonably required by RP (or its agents) for that purpose.
  3. You accept this Agreement each time You use RP’s Payment Service.
  4. RP will not check the identity of the user every time a User Account and User Access Code are used. It is Your responsibility to ensure the security of Your User Account and User Access Code. RP will be entitled to assume that when Your User Account and User Access Code are entered into RP’s Payment Facility, they are being entered by You. RP accepts no responsibility for misuse or unauthorised access unless You have provided RP with reasonable advance notice, in accordance with this Agreement, that the security of Your User Account has been compromised.

5. Setting up Your User Account and Access Code

  1. Once You have set up Your User Account and Access Code and we have verified Your identity, Your registration will be complete and You can begin to transact with RP.
  2. To be eligible to apply for a User Account and User Access Code and to utilise RP’s Payment Service, You must:
    1. be the director of a registered company, or the authorised representative of a registered association, registered cooperative or statutory body.
    2. be an individual who is a sole proprietor of a business, a trustee of a trust, a partner of a partnership or is transacting privately.
    3. be at least 18 years of age and capable of forming a legally binding contract.
    4. have an active New Zealand business number.
    5. have valid contact details including a contactable mobile phone, valid email address and valid New Zealand residential address.
    6. be resident in New Zealand.
    7. have opened the User Account with the authority of the registered company, the registered association, registered cooperative or statutory body that the User Account is connected with and not on behalf of any other person.
  3. You warrant that the information provided to RP is true and correct in its entirety.
  4. You agree to keep Your User Account and User Access Code confidential and secure at all times.
  5. RP reserves the right to decline any application for a User Account and User Access Code, even where such applicant complies with the above listed eligibility criteria.
  6. You agree to provide RP with information confirming Your identity as may be requested from time to time. Should You be unable or unwilling to provide the information requested, RP reserves the right to suspend or cancel Your access to its Payment Service until such information is provided and/or take any other steps RP deems necessary.

6. Payments to Your Nominated Payee

  1. Payments to Your Nominated Payee can only be made using RP’s Payment Facility.
  2. Your credit card details, including Cardholder Name, Card Number, Card Expiry Date and Card Security Code must be entered each time You make a payment to Your Nominated Payee via RP’s Payment Facility.
  3. For each payment, You will advise RP of the following:
    1. the Nominated Payee that You are requesting RP to pay on Your behalf;
    2. the Dollar Amount that You have authorised for payment;
    3. the bank account details of Your Nominated Payee; and
    4. the principal industry that Your Nominated Payee operates in.
  4. Following receipt of Your instruction, RP will make payment to Your Nominated Payee for the Dollar Amount that You have authorised for payment.
  5. Payment will generally be made by RP to Your Nominated Payee within 2 business days. However, to the maximum extent permitted under New Zealand law:
    1. RP makes no guarantees as to payment date and is neither responsible nor liable in any way for late payments or failure by You to pay Your Nominated Payee by an agreed due date; and
    2. RP will not be liable for any late payment fees levied on You by Your Nominated Payee, or for any early payment discounts forgone as a result of delayed payment, irrespective of whether RP is responsible for the delay in payment.
  6. Payment via RP’s Payment Facility can only be made:
    1. using an American Express Card issued in New Zealand;
    2. to a Nominated Payee who carries on business in the geographical region of New Zealand; and
    3. for New Zealand dollar transactions only.
  7. Your American Express Card will be charged for:
    1. the Dollar Amount that has been authorised by You for payment to Your Nominated Payee; and
    2. corresponding RP Fees, details of which are set out in Clause 10 of this Agreement.
  8. Payments processed to Your American Express Card will be displayed as transactions with RP.
  9. Only You, the American Express Card holder, can authorise payments via RP’s Payment Facility. For the avoidance of doubt, You must not allow or approve other persons to make payments, set up a Nominated Payee or in any way act on Your behalf in relation to the use of RP’s Payment Facility.
  10. You agree that once You authorise a payment in RP’s Payment Facility to Your Nominated Payee You are providing unconditional authority for RP to make payment to that supplier on Your behalf.
  11. RP may, at its sole and absolute discretion, impose a limit on the amount that can be paid via RP’s Payment Facility to any Nominated Payee. RP may impose such limits at any time without providing supporting reasons to You.
  12. Where RP elects at its sole and absolute discretion to refuse to make a payment on Your behalf, You will be contacted and advised that Your payment has been refused. Where such payment has been refused You will not be liable to RP for any Dollar Amounts that were authorised by You for payment or Fees that You may have already paid to RP that relate to that transaction. RP will make a full refund via a credit to Your American Express Card in relation to such amounts, subject to any offset rights that exist under Clause 6(n) of this Agreement.
  13. Where a payment cannot be processed for either technical or other reasons You will be contacted by RP who will advise You that payment to Your Nominated Payee has failed. Where such payment failure occurs RP will make a full refund of Dollar Amounts that were authorised by You for payment, and related RP Fees, subject to any offset rights that exist under Clause 6(n) of this Agreement.
  14. RP is entitled to deduct and withhold amounts held or any other indebtedness and liability owed by RP to You, and offset these amounts against any obligations, debit balances or amounts owing by You or any of Your Affiliates to RP under this Agreement and You expressly consent to such deductions or withholdings. RP may do so without prior notice.

7. Cancelling, Stopping or Reversing a Payment

  1. Your payment becomes unconditional when it has been authorised in accordance with this Agreement. A payment may only be cancelled, stopped or reversed when You notify RP by clicking the ‘Cancel’ button next to Your nominated ‘Card Authorised’ Payment, available via the Payment Facility. ‘Card Authorised’ Payments are located on the Payments Page of RP’s Payment Facility. Payments may only be cancelled up to 11.00am NZST on the business day immediately following the date that You authorised Your American Express Card to be charged.
  2. You warrant that all details provided in relation to Your Nominated Payee and other payment information, including but not limited to Dollar Amount, are accurate. You acknowledge that any inaccurate information provided by You about Your Nominated Payee or Dollar Amount may, without limitation, result in amongst other things:
    1. RP’s payment to the incorrect Nominated Payee.
    2. RP’s payment of the incorrect Dollar Amount.
    3. RP not making payment to Your Nominated Payee at all.
  3. Where You provide incorrect Nominated Payee or other payment information, and payment is subsequently made to the incorrect Nominated Payee, for the incorrect Dollar Amount, not at all, or any other circumstance arises which means that the payment is not correctly made, You release RP from any liability in relation to that transaction. For the avoidance of any doubt, RP has no liability to You for any payment made in accordance with details provided by You.

8. Authorisation of Payments

  1. You acknowledge that RP will not be held responsible for any payments that have not been authorised by You, except where such unauthorised payments occur solely as a result of the fraudulent or negligent behaviour of RP’s staff or agents.
  2. It is Your responsibility to inform RP of any unauthorised payments within a period of 10 business days from the date of transaction in RP’s Payment Facility. Your failure to report any unauthorised payment to RP within 10 business days will result in RP not being held liable for any resulting financial loss, subject to the extent permitted under New Zealand law.
  3. You agree to inform RP immediately if You suspect the security of Your User Account, User Access Code or mobile phone have been breached, or if You become aware of any payment made from Your account that was not authorised by You.

9. Chargebacks

  1. You acknowledge that, as a payment service provider, we are an intermediary only and our responsibility is limited to making Payments you request, on Your behalf, to Your Nominated Payee in accordance with Your payment instructions. We do not get involved in, are not responsible for, and have no liability in respect of, Your dealings with Your Nominated Payees or for the goods or services for which payment and/or Card Authorised Payment has been made by Us in accordance with Your payment instructions. If goods or services You have requested from Your Nominated Payee are unavailable, not delivered or are defective, You are responsible for resolving these issues with Your Nominated Payees directly and no other person, and We do not accept any responsibility or liability in such circumstances. Accordingly:
    1. You agree that You will not seek a refund, reversal or chargeback from American Express for any amounts we validly charge to Your Card in accordance with Your payment instruction, including but not limited to circumstances where:
      1. You have made an error in those instructions;
      2. You believe that the payment instruction was submitted from Your User Account by someone other than You;
      3. You have not received some or all of the goods or services to which the payment instruction relates or delivery of such goods and services has been delayed or You have been supplied with incorrect goods or services;
      4. You are not satisfied with the quality or performance of the goods or services to which the payment instruction relates, or there is a defect in those goods or services;
      5. You have a dispute with the Nominated Payee to whom Your payment instruction relates or You believe You are the subject of a scam or fraudulent transaction;
      6. You believe that we have made an error in following Your payment instruction; or
      7. You are entitled to a refund under this Agreement.
    2. To the extent permitted by law, You will release, indemnify and hold RP harmless from and against all claims, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees (on a full indemnity basis) RP incurs or may incur as a direct or indirect result of:
      1. Any Payment made by Us in accordance with the Agreement and Your payment instruction, including but not limited to a payment made using inaccurate information in Your payment instruction.
      2. Any goods and services supplied by Your Nominated Payees to whom we have made a payment to in accordance with your payment instruction, including any failure of or delay in supply, defects or other dispute in relation to such goods and services.
      3. Any payment made by RP on Your behalf in accordance with this Agreement being reversed, charged back or not received by RP.
  2. Subject to clause 9a and any other rights You have at law, where You have a dispute, issue or concern with us in respect of Our Payment Service or this Agreement, You agree to resolve such matters with RP directly and not with American Express.  In such a case, you will notify us in writing of the dispute, issue or concern and will provide RP with any information reasonably requested by RP, in relation to those circumstances.
  3. We will not refund any amount which we have charged to Your Card except where:
    1. You are entitled to a refund under clause 6l or clause 17b; or
    2. We have not followed Your payment instructions correctly.
  4. If You are entitled to a refund under clause 9c, we will notify You and we will make a full refund (including applicable Fees) via a credit to Your Card, subject to any offset rights that exist under Clause 6n of this Agreement. If we are unable to credit Your Card, we will contact American Express for instructions as to how the credit is to be effected.
  5. If we fail to provide a refund under clause 9d within 10 business days of our notification under clause 9d, and provided we are not awaiting American Express’ instructions as to how to effect the credit, You are entitled to seek a refund, reversal or chargeback from American Express in accordance with Your agreement with American Express. 

10. Fees

  1. By accepting this Agreement, You agree to pay RP’s Fees as set out in RP’s website at http://www.rewardpay.co.nz. Such Fees may be changed by RP, acting reasonably, at its sole discretion and at any time provided notice is given to You before any Fee changes are implemented.
  2. All Fees are due and payable to RP at the time You authorise payment to Your Nominated Payee via RP’s Payment Facility.
  3. RP’s Fees will be charged to Your American Express Card at the time of making a payment to Your Nominated Payee via RP’s Payment Facility. RP’s Fees are an incremental additional charge to Your American Express Card, in addition to Dollar Amounts paid to Your Nominated Payee.

11. Management of Funds

  1. You acknowledge the following:
    1. RP receives payments from You by charging Your American Express Card. Funds received from American Express less any Fees due and payable to RP are then remitted by RP to Your Nominated Payee.
    2. When RP receives funds from You, RP has a contractual obligation to make a payment to Your Nominated Payee.
    3. You do not have any right to withdraw funds or request repayment of funds paid to RP, which are awaiting payment to Your Nominated Payee.
    4. RP is not acting as employee, partner or joint venture partner in the provision of its Payment Service to You.

12. Restriction, Cancellation or Suspension of RP’s Payment Facility service

  1. You agree that RP may, at its sole and absolute discretion:
    1. restrict, cancel or suspend the provision of its Payment Service at any time and for any reason without providing notice to You of same.
    2. re-instate Your User Account and User Access Code at any time following cancellation or suspension.
    3. re-instate at any time Your unrestricted use of RP’s Payment Facility, where restrictions previously existed.
    4. elect not to process payments to Your Nominated Payee as requested by You, for example in circumstances where Your User Account has been suspended or cancelled. In such circumstances, where Your User Account is suspended or cancelled after Your American Express Card has been charged, but before payment has been made to Your Nominated Payee, RP will make a full refund via a credit to Your American Express Card in relation to such amounts, subject to any offset rights that exist under Clause 6(n) of this Agreement.

13. Indemnification and Limitation of Liability

  1. You will indemnify and hold harmless RP, its agents, officers, employees and Third Party Providers from and against all liabilities, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees arising or alleged to have arisen from or in connection with Your breach or failure to perform Your obligations under this Agreement. You further indemnify RP for any liability arising from or in connection with any act or omission done wilfully, recklessly or negligently by You in connection with the provision by RP of services set out in this Agreement, or any violation of this Agreement or any applicable laws or regulations.
  2. RP will not be held responsible or liable for any tax or related penalties charged to You as a result of services provided under this Agreement. You indemnify RP in relation to any such liabilities that may arise.
  3. RP will not be liable for any action or consequence arising either directly or indirectly from Your failure to comply with the obligations set out in this Agreement. RP will not be responsible or liable in respect of any claim by You for any incidental, indirect, speculative, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages of any kind, including but not limited to, any loss of profits, contracts, revenue, discounts or data howsoever arising out of or in connection with this Agreement.
  4. RP will not be liable for any breach of Your obligations to Your Nominated Payee or Your obligations to American Express.
  5. You acknowledge that RP and its Third Party Providers make no warranty that the Payment Service provided to You will be free from error. RP provides its Payment Service to You subject to Your statutory rights but otherwise without any warranty or condition, express or implied, except as specifically stated in this Agreement. RP does not have any control over the products or services that are paid for with its Payment Service and RP cannot ensure that a seller You are dealing with will complete the transaction or is authorised to do so.
  6. RP does not guarantee continuous, uninterrupted or secure access to any part of its Payment Service. RP will not be liable for any delay or failure in the provision of its Payment Service set out this Agreement. You acknowledge that Your access to the Site may be occasionally restricted to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services. RP will make reasonable efforts to ensure that requests for electronic debits and credits involving bank accounts and debit and credit cards are processed in a timely manner. RP will make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the information contained in correspondence, reports, the Site and given verbally by its directors, officers and staff is accurate to the best of its belief at the time the information is provided. However, RP cannot guarantee the accuracy of all such information in all circumstances and contexts, and no reliance should be placed on such information by You. You must check all correspondence carefully and tell RP as soon as possible if it includes something which appears to You to be wrong or not made in accordance with Your instructions.
  7. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit RP’s liability:
    1. resulting from its fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, gross negligence, wilful misconduct;
    2. for death or personal injury resulting from either RP’s or its subcontractors’ negligence; or
    3. to the extent such limitation or exclusion is not permitted by applicable law.
  8. The maximum liability of RP under this Agreement for any breach, including negligence, will not exceed the amount of Fees paid by You to RP.

14. Acceptable Use

  1. You are independently responsible for complying with all applicable laws in all of Your actions related to Your use of RP’s Payment Service, regardless of the purpose of the use.
  2. You are responsible for ensuring appropriate security measures are in place to avoid any harm or damage to Your own hardware and software, including harm or damage which might arise as a result of content available through the Payment Facility.
  3. You may not use RP’s Payment Service for activities that:
    1. violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation (for example, those governing financial services including anti-money laundering, consumer protections, unfair competition, anti-discrimination, false advertising, privacy, defamation or intellectual property);
    2. relate to sales of illegal products and services, including narcotics, steroids, certain controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, items that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity, items that promote hate, violence, racial intolerance, or the financial exploitation of a crime, items that infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, right of publicity or privacy, ammunition or firearms;
    3. relate to transactions that show the personal information of third parties in violation of applicable law, support pyramid or ponzi schemes, are associated with purchases of real property, annuities or lottery contracts, lay-away systems, off-shore banking or transactions to finance or refinance debts funded by a credit card;
    4. involve the sales of products or services identified by government agencies to have a high likelihood of being fraudulent;
    5. violate applicable laws regarding the sale of tobacco products, prescription drugs and devices; or
    6. involve gambling or gaming.

15. Privacy

  1. RP is committed to Your privacy. RP will ensure that all information that it collects, records, handles and discloses about You adheres to the Privacy Act 2020 and the RP Privacy Policy Statement.
  2. Generally, RP collects, updates and utilises personal information (including without limitation Your American Express Card details) to facilitate the provision of agreed products and services to You. Personal information is used for:
    1. checking Your identity and assessing Your credit worthiness;
    2. researching and developing new products;
    3. providing RP’s Payment Service (including processing and making payments to Your Nominated Payees);
    4. training, quality control and verification purposes; and
    5. communicating RP’s or a Third Party’s products and services to You.
  3. In the course of providing its Payment Service to You, RP may share Your information with Third Party businesses that provide services to RP. RP may also be required to provide information to third parties where it is required or authorised by law. RP imposes strict security and confidentiality requirements on all Third Parties regarding their handling of personal information. Information is only shared with outside contractors to the extent required to perform their services.
  4. You may download a copy of the RP Privacy Policy Statement at www.rewardpay.co.nz/privacypolicy.

16. Notices

  1. This Agreement and any other agreements, notices or other communications regarding Your User Account and/or Your use of RP’s Payment Service may be provided to You electronically. You agree to receive all communications from RP in electronic form. Communications will be posted on our website and/or sent to Your primary email address.
  2. Notices to RP should be given by mail to:
    RewardPay (NZ) Limited, which has its registered address at RSM NEW ZEALAND (AUCKLAND), Level 2, RSM House, 62 Highbrook Drive, East Tamaki, Auckland, 2013 , New Zealand or by sending an email to support@rewardpay.co.nz. Notices are deemed as given when the email enters the server of Your email address. Alternatively, RP may give You notice by mail to the address that You have provided to us. In such case, notice shall be deemed given 3 days after the date of mailing.

17. Termination

  1. This Agreement and Your User Account may be terminated at any time and without providing notice to You.
  2. Upon termination of this Agreement You agree to the following:
    1. You must pay all Fees owing to RP at the date of termination.
    2. You must reimburse RP in relation to any payment to Your Nominated Payee that RP has made on Your behalf, but for which RP has not been paid in cleared funds.
    3. You agree that RP shall charge Your American Express Card for any amounts owing to RP, including those outstanding amounts referenced in clauses 17(b)(i) and (ii) at the date of termination.
    4. That any payments requested by You to be made to Your Nominated Payee that have not yet been made by RP at the date of termination will not be paid to that Nominated Payee. Where Your American Express Card has been charged for such transaction and RP has received funds from You into its bank account, You will be refunded the Dollar Amount received by RP, including any Fees paid, less any other amounts owing to RP either as part of this Agreement or any other dealings You may have had with RP.
    5. All obligations of a continuing nature will survive termination or expiry of this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck out and the remaining provisions shall be enforced.

18. Prohibited Use of RP’s Payment Facility

  1. You are not allowed to use RP’s Payment Facility to make payments to any suppliers in the following industries. RP may, at its sole discretion, revise the selection criteria at any time based on RP’s experience that a supplier or an industry category presents RP with unacceptable risk, fraud or customer service disputes.
    1. Foreign exchange bureaus/payment companies.
    2. Debt collection – includes collection agencies, factoring companies, liquidators, bailiffs and bankruptcy lawyers.
    3. Digital File Hosting (Cyberlockers) – online data hosts that provide remote storage space within a secure storage architecture. They can be referred to as online storage or cloud storage.
    4. Telecommunications – including wireless, cable, satellite, wire line, internet service providers.
    5. Travel – Including air travel, cruise line, car rental, and lodging.
    6. Leasing merchants. A merchant that conveys land, property, or other real estate to another for a specified time in return for regular periodic payment.
    7. Payment Aggregators – except to the extent the entity itself sells goods to which it has title.
    8. Credit restoration services – a service that promotes to remove negative factors from a consumer’s credit report.
    9. Fees pertaining to agency outside collection and bail bondsmen; licensed insolvency practitioners.
    10. Investment on futures maturity of goods/services with an intention of gaining return on investment, e.g., stock market, wine futures, horse breeding, timber investment, precious metals.
    11. Lottery Sales.
    12. Mortgage payments – a payment which includes principal and interest paid by the borrower to lender of a home loan.
    13. Condo (Real estate) down payments. Down payment for purchase of real estate / a condominium.
    14. Travel tour operators – travel tour operators without membership to a travel industry bonding agency or who are not an authorised ticket agent.
    15. Telemarketing – travel related. Includes merchants who telemarket travel related products or services or other travel arrangements.
    16. Cheque cashing/guarantee.
    17. Cash at point of sales/cash on card – unauthorized cash disbursement provider or non-financial institution that provides cash advances.
    18. Payday lenders – establishments that lend customers money at high interest rates on agreement that loan will be repaid when the borrower receives their next paycheque.
    19. Person-to- person wire transfer – establishments that charge a fee to wire transfer money from one individual to another.
    20. Door to door sales – exception for payment on delivery directly to the company or to the franchisee.
    21. Tobacco and smokeless tobacco retailers.
    22. Pharmacies – online pharmacies selling prescription drugs/products.
    23. Unlawful Sale of prescription drugs.
    24. Marijuana dispensaries – sellers of marijuana whether sold for recreational or medicinal purposes.
    25. Multi-level Marketing / Pyramid selling.
    26. Unregulated charities.
    27. Political party donations.
    28. Virtual Currency e.g., bitcoin
    29. Gambling – exceptions for accommodation, restaurant bar or gift shop facilities within a casino complex.
    30. Prostitution
    31. Internet Adult Digital Content – specifically, online digital content sites.
    32. Pornography including child pornography.
    33. Escort Services and Non-Licensed Massage Parlours
  2. You must not use RP’s Payment Facility for transactions other than bona fide payments to Your suppliers in relation to goods and services received in the general course of conducting Your business. You must not use RP’s Payment Facility to make payments that do not represent bona fide purchases of goods or services from Your suppliers. This means payments to Your own establishments by You, or Your family members, or employees, or any other person contrived for cash flow purposes.
  3. Payments to related parties are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, businesses with common directors, shareholders or businesses owned or controlled by family members.

19. Content on the Payment Facility

  1. All content on the Payment Facility, which for the avoidance of doubt includes any trade marks, copyright works, branding, logos, artwork and designs, is owned by or licenced to RP and is protected by New Zealand and international intellectual property laws.
  2. Any intellectual property available and/or published on the Payment Facility is owned or licenced by RP. Except to the extent required by You to use the Payment Facility in accordance with this Agreement, You are not permitted to use this intellectual property and doing so many infringe RP’s and/or the owners’ rights.

20. General

  1. RP may alter some of the terms of this Agreement by posting the new terms on the Site. This will not affect any rights or obligations that You already have, but You will be bound by the new terms when You enter into subsequent transactions. Your continued use of RP’s Payment Facility constitutes Your acceptance of the amended terms and conditions.
  2. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of New Zealand and You submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand.
  3. You must not assign, novate, subcontract or transfer any rights or obligations of this Agreement, in whole or in part, by operation of law or otherwise, without RP’s prior written consent which will not be unreasonably withheld. RP may assign, novate or transfer any rights or obligations which arise under this Agreement. Except as otherwise specified herein, this Agreement binds the parties and their respective successors and their permitted assigns.
  4. A party’s failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right, power or privilege under this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege preclude any other or further exercise thereof. No waiver of any term of this Agreement will be effective unless it is in writing and signed by RP.
  5. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect.
  6. Neither party shall be liable for any failure of or delay in the performance of this Agreement for the period that such failure or delay is due to causes beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, strikes or labour disputes, power, communications, network or satellite failures, embargoes, government orders or any other force majeure.
  7. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter and constitutes and supersedes all prior agreements, representations and understandings of the parties, written or oral.

21. Definitions

Agreement means this document, including all Schedules.

American Express means Centurion Finance Limited (Company its related companies and licensees that issue the Card or participate in the Card Service.

Card means the American Express credit card or any other device or instrument issued by American Express that enables You to make transactions and includes any renewal, replacement or additional cards or other devices or instruments.

Cardholder Name means the name located on the front of Your American Express Card.

Card Number means the unique number located on the front of Your American Express Card.

Card Expiry Date means the four-digit expiry date (month and year) located on the front of Your American Express Card.

Card Security Number means the four-digit number located on the upper right front section of Your American Express Card.

Dollar Amount means the amount that You have authorised to be paid to RP using Your American Card (exclusive of RP Fees), which is then paid by RP to Your Nominated Payee.

Fees means charges levied by RP as a percentage of the total Dollar Amount authorised by You to be paid to Your Nominated Payee, and in relation to Your use of RP’s Payment Facility.

Card Authorised Payments means all Dollar Amounts authorised by You that are pending distribution to Your Nominated Payee.

Nominated Payee means the supplier, person or entity that You have elected to make payment to using RP’s Payment Facility.

Payment Facility means the tool located at the Site which facilitates payment to Your Nominated Payee using Your American Express Card.

Payment Page means the page located within RP’s Payment Facility that lists all Dollar Amounts authorised by You and pending distribution to Your Nominated Payee.

Payment Service means the service provided by RP, which allows You to pay Your Nominated Payee utilising Your American Express Card.

Site means the website http://www.rewardpay.co.nz

User Access Code means Your unique code which is linked to Your User Account and enables You to log on to RP’s Payment Facility.

User Account means an account set up by You, which enables You to use RP’s Payment Facility, specifically for the payment of authorised Dollar Amounts to Your Nominated Payee.

You and Your means the American Express cardmember who uses RP’s Payment Facility.


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